
Responder a: Problema Complemento Emmet Módulo 1-1.3 Complementos recomendados para Sublime T

  • mel2096

    28 enero, 2024 en 4:02 pm

    hola! muchas gracias por contestar, si ya reinicié sublime text y no se solucionó el problema, también instalé otra versión de sublime text porque vi una discusión con una compañera que comentó que su solución fue instalar otra versión , ya exploré settings y key findings de emmet, se que el lado izquierdo, son como ejemplos y el lado derecho es para escribir pero siendo honesta no tengo la menor idea de que buscar o cómo corregir


    Key Bindings

    // This is a sample keymap for all available Emmet actions like
    // Increment/Decrement number, Balance, Select Item etc.
    // Copy and uncomment actions you want to use into your keybindings file on the right.
    // Read more about Sublime Text key binding: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/key_bindings.html

    // Expand abbreviation
    // {
    // “keys”: [“ctrl+e”],
    // “command”: “emmet_expand_abbreviation”
    // },

    // Enter abbreviation mode: explicitly enter abbreviation anywhere
    // with interactive preview
    // {
    // “keys”: [“ctrl+.”],
    // “command”: “emmet_enter_abbreviation”
    // },

    // Wrap with Abbreviation
    // {
    // “keys”: [“shift+ctrl+g”],
    // “command”: “emmet_wrap_with_abbreviation”,
    // “context”: [{“key”: “setting.is_widget”, “operand”: false }]
    // },

    // Balance Outward
    // {
    // “keys”: [“ctrl+,”],
    // “command”: “emmet_balance”,
    // “args”: { “direction”: “outward” }
    // },

    // Balance Inward
    // {
    // “keys”: [“ctrl+shift+0”],
    // “command”: “emmet_balance”,
    // “args”: { “direction”: “inward” }
    // },

    // Go to Matching Tag/Tag Pair
    // {
    // “keys”: [“ctrl+alt+j”],
    // “command”: “emmet_go_to_tag_pair”
    // },

    // Remove Tag
    // {
    // “keys”: [“shift+ctrl+;”],
    // “command”: “emmet_remove_tag”
    // },

    // Split/Join Tag
    // {
    // “keys”: [“shift+ctrl+"],<br> // "command": "emmet_split_join_tag"<br> // },</p><p> // Go to Next Edit Point<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["ctrl+alt+right"],<br> // "command": "emmet_go_to_edit_point"<br> // },</p><p> // Go to Previous Edit Point<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["ctrl+alt+right"],<br> // "command": "emmet_go_to_edit_point",<br> // "args": { "previous": true }<br> // },</p><p> // Select Next Item<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["shift+ctrl+."],<br> // "command": "emmet_select_item"<br> // },</p><p> // Select Previous Item<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["shift+ctrl+,"],<br> // "command": "emmet_select_item",<br> // "args": { "previous": true }<br> // },</p><p> // Evaluate Math Expression<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["shift+ctrl+y"],<br> // "command": "emmet_evaluate_math"<br> // },</p><p> // Increment/Decrement Number<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["ctrl+up"],<br> // "command": "emmet_increment_number",<br> // "args": { "delta": 1 }<br> // },<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["ctrl+down"],<br> // "command": "emmet_increment_number",<br> // "args": { "delta": -1 }<br> // },<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["alt+up"],<br> // "command": "emmet_increment_number",<br> // "args": { "delta": 0.1 }<br> // },<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["alt+down"],<br> // "command": "emmet_increment_number",<br> // "args": { "delta": -0.1 }<br> // },<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["shift+alt+up"],<br> // "command": "emmet_increment_number",<br> // "args": { "delta": 10 }<br> // },<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["shift+alt+down"],<br> // "command": "emmet_increment_number",<br> // "args": { "delta": -10 }<br> // },</p><p> // Update Image Size<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["ctrl+u"],<br> // "command": "emmet_update_image_size"<br> // },</p><p> // Convert data:URL<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["ctrl+'"],<br> // "command": "emmet_convert_data_url"<br> // },</p><p> // Rename Tag<br> // {<br> // "keys": ["shift+ctrl+'"],<br> // "command": "emmet_rename_tag"<br> // },</p><p> // Tab key handler for single cursor<br> {<br> "keys": ["tab"],<br> "command": "emmet_expand_abbreviation",<br> "args": { "tab": true },<br> "context": [<br> { "key": "emmet_abbreviation" },<br> { "key": "emmet_tab_expand" },<br> { "key": "num_selections", "operand": 1 }<br> ]<br> },</p><p> // Tab key handler for multiple cursors<br> {<br> "keys": ["tab"],<br> "command": "emmet_expand_abbreviation",<br> "context": [<br> { "key": "emmet_activation_scope" },<br> { "key": "emmet_multicursor_tab_expand" },<br> { "key": "num_selections", "operator": "not_equal", "operand": 1 }<br> ]<br> },<br> {<br> "keys": ["enter"],<br> "command": "emmet_expand_abbreviation",<br> "context": [<br> { "key": "has_emmet_forced_abbreviation_mark" },<br> { "key": "emmet_abbreviation" }<br> ]<br> },<br> {<br> "keys": ["shift+tab"],<br> "command": "next_field",<br> "context": [<br> { "key": "has_next_field" },<br> { "key": "emmet_abbreviation" },<br> { "key": "emmet_tab_expand" }<br> ]<br> },<br> {<br> "keys": ["escape"],<br> "command": "emmet_clear_abbreviation_marker",<br> "context": [<br> { "key": "has_emmet_abbreviation_mark" },<br> { "key": "auto_complete_visible", "operator": "equal", "operand": false }<br> ]<br> },<br> {<br> "keys": ["escape"],<br> "command": "emmet_hide_tag_preview",<br> "context": [<br> { "key": "emmet_tag_preview" }<br> ]<br> },<br> {<br> "keys": [<br> "#"<br> ],<br> "args": {<br> "attribute": "id"<br> },<br> "command": "emmet_insert_attribute",<br> "context": [<br> {<br> "operand": "text.html meta.tag -string -punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html -meta.scope.between-tag-pair.html -source -meta.tag.template.value.twig",<br> "operator": "equal",<br> "match_all": true,<br> "key": "selector"<br> },<br> {<br> "operator": "equal",<br> "operand": true,<br> "key": "emmet_auto_id_class"<br> }<br> ]<br> },<br> {<br> "keys": [<br> "."<br> ],<br> "args": {<br> "attribute": "class"<br> },<br> "command": "emmet_insert_attribute",<br> "context": [<br> {<br> "operand": "text.html meta.tag -string -punctuation.definition.tag.begin.html -meta.scope.between-tag-pair.html -source -meta.tag.template.value.twig",<br> "operator": "equal",<br> "match_all": true,<br> "key": "selector"<br> },<br> {<br> "operator": "equal",<br> "operand": true,<br> "key": "emmet_auto_id_class"<br> }<br> ]<br> }<br>]</p><p>SETTINGS</p><p>{<br> // Automatically marks (captures) Emmet abbreviation when typing text: captured abbreviation<br> // is highlighted with underline. Use Tab key inside captured abbreviation to expand it.<br> // Works in limited syntaxes only, seeabbreviation_scopesoption<br> // Possible values:<br> // – true: enable capturing for both markup and stylesheet abbreviations<br> // – false: completely disable capturing<br> // – "markup" or "stylesheet": enable capturing for either markup or stylesheet abbreviations<br> "auto_mark": true,</p><p> // Preview captured abbreviations, works only ifauto_markis enabled.<br> // Possible values:<br> // – true: enable preview for both markup and stylesheet abbreviations<br> // – false: completely disable preview<br> // – "markup" or "stylesheet": enable previews for either markup or stylesheet abbreviations<br> "abbreviation_preview": true,</p><p> // If enabled, all abbreviations in JSX must be prefixed with<character.<br> // It allows you to explicitly specify that you are typing abbreviation and<br> // want to expand it withTabkey.<br> // Disabling this option will likely break native STTabkey handler like<br> // inserting completions and indenting code<br> "jsx_prefix": true,</p><p> // Scope for marked abbreviation region highlighting<br> "marker_scope": "comment",</p><p> // Editor scope to Emmet syntax mapping<br> "syntax_scopes": {<br> "html": "text.html - source - meta.attribute-with-value.style",<br> "xml": "text.xml - text.xml.xsl",<br> "xsl": "text.xml.xsl",<br> "jsx": "source.js.jsx | source.tsx | source.js | source.jsx",<br> "haml": "source.haml",<br> "jade": "text.jade | source.pyjade",<br> "pug": "text.pug | source.pypug",<br> "slim": "text.slim",</p><p> "css": "source.css | source.postcss | meta.attribute-with-value.style.html string.quoted",<br> "sass": "source.sass",<br> "scss": "source.scss",<br> "less": "source.less",<br> "stylus": "source.stylus",<br> "sss": "source.sss"<br> },</p><p> // List of scopes with inline context<br> "inline_scopes": [<br> "meta.attribute-with-value.style.html"<br> ],</p><p> // List of scope selectors where abbreviation marker should be activated,<br> // e.g. plugin will mark text that user types as abbreviation<br> "abbreviation_scopes": [<br> "(text.html | text.xml) - source - meta - comment",<br> "source.sass - meta.property-value - meta.property-name - string - punctuation - comment",<br> "(source.css | source.scss | source.less | source.postcss | source.stylus) & meta.property-list",<br> "(source.css | source.scss | source.less | source.postcss | source.stylus) - meta.property-value - meta.property-name - string - comment",<br> "(source.tsx | source.js | source.jsx) - comment",<br> "text.html.cfml - meta.tag",<br> // Inline CSS<br> "text.html meta.attribute-with-value.style (string.quoted | source.css)"<br> ],</p><p> // List of scopes where Emmet abbreviations should not be be captured.<br> // If any of the following scopes matches,abbreviation_scopes<br> // will be ignored<br> "ignore_scopes": [],</p><p> // Expand Emmet abbreviation with Tab key when in abbreviation marker<br> "tab_expand": true,</p><p> // Expand Emmet abbreviation with Tab key with multiple cursors in editor.<br> // Currently, this mode is less restricted that single-cursor Tab: it doesn’t<br> // require abbreviation to be immediately typed and expanded by user, it may<br> // expand existing abbreviation.<br> // As a side-effect, you may not be able to insert tab character after words<br> // if this option is enabled<br> "multicursor_tab": true,</p><p> // Emmet syntaxes (keys of "syntax_scopes" dictionary) where Tab expander<br> // is limited to known snippets only.<br> // For example, when you typedi, pressing Tab key will try to match default<br> // Sublime Text snippet sincediis neither known tag nor known Emmet snippet.<br> // Butdivwill be expanded via Emmet since it’s a known tag.<br> // However, typingdi.samplewill be expanded via Emmet as well since it<br> // contains special operator like.<br> // Known snippets are:<br> // * any valid HTML5 tag<br> // * any predefined Emmet snippet<br> // * upper-cased word (JSX, Svelte components)<br> // * words with dash (Vue, Web Components)<br> "known_snippets_only": ["html"],</p><p> // Automatically insertclassattribute when typing.inside open tag<br> // andidattribute when typing#<br> "auto_id_class": false,</p><p> // Display open tag preview next to closing tag when caret is inside it<br> // and open tag is not currently visible<br> "tag_preview": false,</p><p> // Document size limit fortag_previewoption: display preview only if current<br> // document size is less that given one. Setting larger value will degrade<br> // performance of caret movement. Set value to 0 to disable limit<br> // Future versions of Emmet plugin might work better with large documents.<br> "tag_preview_size_limit": 51250,</p><p> // The maximum file size where Emmet will capture HTML tag context for abbreviation.<br> // Tag context is used for resolving implicit tag names in abbreviation<br> // (e.g..itemshould expand to

  • inside
      tag), but<br> // requires full document scan<br> "context_size_limit": 102400,</p><p> // The maximum selection size for instant preview of Wrap with Abbreviation action.<br> "wrap_size_preview": 10240,</p><p> // Override default Toggle Comment with Emmet variation for specified syntax scopes<br> // defined incomment_scopes. When enabled, if you run Toggle Comment action<br> // without selecting any text, Emmet will try to find matching HTML tag pair<br> // for current caret position and comment entire tag instead of current line.<br> // If this option is disabled, you can create keyboard shortcut for<br> //toggle_commentaction.<br> "toggle_comment": false,</p><p> "comment_scopes": [<br> "text.html - source",<br> "text.xml",<br> "source.css",<br> "source.scss",<br> "source.less"<br> ],</p><p> // Enable closing tag commenting after expanding abbreviations, e.g.<br> // <div class="foo"><br> // </div><!-- .foo --><br> "comment": false,</p><p> // Outputs everything between[and]only if specified attribute name<br> // (written in UPPERCASE) exists in element. Attribute name is replaced with<br> // actual value. Use\nto add a newline.<br> "comment_template": "\n<!-- /[#ID][.CLASS] -->",</p><p> // Max size of file to convert to data:URL. Set to 0 to disable limit<br> "max_data_url": 20480,</p><p> // Output code style<br> // Defines how self-closing tags (likeor
      ) and boolean attributes<br> // (likedisabled) will look in generated code.<br> // Possible values are "html", "xhtml", "xml"<br> "markup_style": "html",</p><p> // Attribute value quotes, "double" or "single"<br> "attribute_quotes": "double",</p><p> // Enable BEM support.<br> // When enabled, Emmet will treat class names starting with as element
      // and with _ as modifier in BEM (https://en.bem.info) notation.
      // These class names will inherit block name from current or ancestor element.
      // For example, the abbreviation ul.nav.nav_secondary>li.nav__item can be
      // shortened to ul.nav._secondary>li.-item with this option enabled.
      “bem”: false,
  • // When enabled, tries to shorten generated HEX color values for CSS abbreviations.
    // For example, c#0 abbreviation can be expanded either to color: #000;
    // or color: #000000;
    “short_hex”: true,

    // Additional CSS styles to be embedded into Emmet previews and phantoms
    “popup_css”: “”,

    // Config for Emmet
    // See GlobalConfig interface for supported properties: https://github.com/emmetio/emmet/blob/master/src/config.ts
    // Example:
    // “config”: {
    // “markup”: {
    // “snippets”: {
    // “foo”: “foo.bar>baz”
    // },
    // “options”: {
    // “output.selfClosingStyle”: “xhtml”
    // }
    // }
    // }
    “config”: {},

    // Unique ID editor instance, used for upcoming online Emmet config.
    // Please do not edit
    “uid”: null,

    // Enable anonymous event tracking, used to improve Emmet experience
    “telemetry”: null